Handstand Walking Strategy Tips & Drills to Think about for Open Workout 20.3!!

Initial Thoughts for Open Workout 20.3:

Open workout 20.3 is now underway and it’s a repeat of 18.4!

The two movements specific to gymnastics include handstand push-ups (kipping) and handstand walking (amongst all those heavy deadlifts). When it comes to strategy it’s always a good idea to know where you’re at with these movements and better to break them up then run out of gas later.

4 Strategy Tips to think about for Handstand Walking (as it pertains to 20.3):

  1. If you can, go unbroken (otherwise break up into smart increments).
  2. Push tall and keep the momentum going with your hands at a speed you can handle (don’t stop moving the hands only to pause in a free standing handstand, and avoid going at a speed you can’t handle) .
  3. Keep tight throughout your body (i.e squeeze glutes, keeping feet together & maintaining a stable midline) to help you move more efficiently. Avoid the scorpion looking handstand that many default too (back bent, legs flying all over the place) which will add more pressure to your lower back and shoulders after all the prior work!
  4. Should you get there, kick up to your handstand walk as soon as possible, waiting for recovery here will just see time disappear. Just kick up and keep moving. If you’re efficient you will see your heart rate come down a bit!

3 Key Drills to help you with your Handstand Walking:

1. Kick to the wall with a light touch of one foot before the other foot joins together.
– When lunging into your handstand, you need to learn to show control by pushing your arms into the floor (so you feel like your pushing your feet to the roof) and not just force your legs up so they hit the wall hard.

2. Push through the floor (when kicking to handstand) and take 2 steps before you touch the wall.
– Once you start to control your kick to handstand (as demonstrated in the video) then you can start playing around with making 2 hand placements before you gently hit the wall with your feet. The only way to do this is by pushing through the floor hard (with your hands) and controlling your kick up. Your hands will be moving on the same spot in this drill.

3. Repeat the above drill further away from the wall.
– If the above drill is looking good, then you can take the next step by moving the marker for your hands further and further away from the wall so you actually start walking forward to the wall (vs on the same spot like above).

Don’t forget to check out the video above for all these Drills put into perspective!

6 Week Strict Handstand Push-up Program

Get 25% off this Program using coupon code OPENPREP (24 hour special only).

The objective of this program is to help you build a strong handstand push-up (strict) as well as a much stronger handstand (after we take you through all the beneficial foundations).

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